Apply online 9341 vacancies BSSC Jobs Recruitment 2015

Online application, agricultural coordinator, elementary teacher, laboratory and X- ray technician, pharmacist BSSC Jobs Recruitment 2015 9341 to apply for posts in the Vacancy.

Bihar Staff Selection Commission (BSSC) a release of the official BSSC Jobs Recruitment 2015 notification and a variety of posts, filling in the gaps for 9341 is to invite eligible applicants. See BSSC Jobs Recruitment 2015 eligible applicants and BSSC application form must be submitted to check all the references and qualifications. Post the details of the space, the number of vacancies, the required qualifications, and the selection process and how to submit your application as BSSC recruitment of Bihar Staff selection recruitment 2015, see below for more details.

BSSC Jobs Recruitment 2015 details

Every year Bihar Staff Selection Commission appointed the many applicants for a variety of filling Vacancies on the job. BSSC Jobs Recruitment 2015 thorough 9342 Bihar jobs now candidates for the vacancy SSC recruiting. Patna, Bihar Karamchari Chayan Aayoug will be released on its main portal for the recruitment of said notification. The applicant, admit cards, results, etc. Bihar SSC Recruitment follows our website for the latest news and updates

The company - Bihar Staff Selection commission
Advertisement - BSSC Jobs Recruitment 2015
No of Jobs - 9243
Working position - Bihar
Official Website -

Bihar SSC Recruitment Vacancy details
• X- ray technician - 2800 spaces
• Lab Technician - 2800 vacancies
• Pharmacist - 2800 spaces
• Agricultural Coordinator - Openings 2800
• High School Teacher Vacancies -4600
• Primary Teacher - 4200 spaces
• Accounts - 4200 spaces

Education qualification - education and work experience required for candidates interested more details, refer official BSSC Jobs Recruitment 2015 notification.

Age - the age of the applicants for more than 18 years and the age of recruitment standards, the notification should look for more details.
Application fee - BSSC Jobs Recruitment 2015 Notification department immediately under the application fee for all candidates the category to provide all the details.

Selection process - BSSC Recruitment selection process based their performance recruitment process, etc. The final selection candidate for jobs in Bihar SSC written test, skills test, interviews, such as the different levels.

How to apply for BSSC Jobs Recruitment 2015
• As soon as the department's official portal Bihar Staff Selection Online will be released on application
• BSSC Jobs Recruitment 2015 after the release of the application, applicants are required to read all the instructions specified in the notification and to download.
• Fill in the application form Bihar SSC with all the necessary details and attach a scanned photo and signature.
• Pay the application fee and click to submit.
• After submitting the application form, with a copy of the application to download and print it for further reference.
Important dates to remember
• BSSC Jobs Recruitment 2015 the last date for the submission of the application form - 4th June, 2015
• The last date for submission of the BSSC application by the Department of Health - will be announced soon.
• LAT date of submission of the application to the Department of Social Welfare - Advertise soon.

BSSC Jobs Recruitment 2015 visits the official website and submits the online application

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