LIC AAO Exam Results 2015 Cut Off / Merit list – LIC Assistant Administrative Officer online test results2015 provisional results will be released according to the statement. Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) has been successfully tested on 20 February 2015, appeared LIC AAO exam them now, they have a direct link to download the PDF file for LIC AAO Results are advised to check LIC official site

LIC AAO Results 2015 link: - The Life Insurance Corporation Generalist / Chartered Accountant discipline will be recruiting 200 Assistant Administrative Officer. LIC AAO exam held on 20.02.2015 across all over India. LIC pre-recruitment selection of candidates and the medical examination designed to hold personal interviews will be selected on the basis of performance in the Exam. LIC AAO online Exam objective type, Reasoning Ability Grammer, with special emphasis on vocabulary and comprehension sections Quantitative Aptitude, General Knowledge, Current Affairs, Computer Knowledge, and English Language is from the multiple choice questions. 40 questions from each section other than English 30 questions will be. There are a total of 300 marks. LIC AAO exam 2015 is duration of 120 minutes (2 hours). Objective Exam will be marked as negative for the wrong answer.
LIC AAO Results 2015 cutoff marks / written exam will be released on merit list it of the main site. To get regular updates, direct access to our LIC AAO Results 2015 page. LIC few days Assistant Administrative Officer (AAO) merit list will be released in. AAO Results after the announcement, the company will be called for Personal Interview.
LIC Results 2015 AAO On line test to check: -
Visit the website of LIC and "Careers" on
Assistant Administration Officer (Generalist / Chartered Accountant) Results2015 link
Check LIC AAO Results 2015 here (available soon)