RBI has issued a security guard posted at Patna www.rbi.org.in Recruitment 2015 Notification:

Reserve Bank of India on its official web portal www.rbi.org.in. Issued on 11 posts RBI in Patna Recruitment 2015 for the post of filling in the application security guard was posted notification on the 30th of April 2015 is now in front of all the eligible & interested candidates can send their application.

The Reserve Bank of India under the rule of the British Empire was founded on the 01st of April 1935, and its head office in Mumbai, India, which is located at the Reserve Bank of India's short name. So, look for candidates interested in the following information and can apply it.

Patna RBI Recruitment 2015 details the information is as follows:

India, the Reserve Bank of Patna -: Organization Name

Name of the Post: - Security Guard

Number of posts: - 11

Category Name: - Post No.

Scheduled Tribe - 01: AM
Other Backward Caste - 03 posts
Not in terms of: - 07 posts
Age limit:

Candidates interested in more than 18 years of age and 1 January 2015 should be less than 25 years.

Candidates must have passed at least 10, and applies to undergraduate qualification.
Selection process:

Applied Candidates will be selected on the basis of their performance in the written test and interview.
Important date:

Last date for sending application form: 30/04/2015
How to apply:

The candidates, all of the necessary documents to apply in plain paper with all the necessary information and send it to the following address
RBI headquarters BLDG, South Gandhi Maidan, Patna reception center.
Click here to get the official announcement

Official website: www.rbi.org.in

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