KCET 2015 admit card as soon as it is published in the official web kea.kar.nic.in:

Karnataka University issued immediately and the various UG Admission Card / Hall Ticket to accept the Common Entrance Test 2015 will be uploaded. kea.kar.nic.in candidates KCET 2015 test card and the test will be held on 01st May 2015 and the 02nd of May 2015 will admit that it is from the web portal.

It is the year 1996, Mysore, Karnataka University, Karnatak, a public university in India was established in the. Offer a number of under-graduate courses at the University of Karnataka. On the campus of the University of Karnataka and also the best option is to offer the best education in the country.

KECT is the entrance exam which is conducted every year by the University of Karnataka. The university is one of the best in the state of Karnataka. So no Karnatak University, affiliated to the many different types of courses at various colleges to apply for admission to the examination.

In March 2015, the Karnataka Common Entrance Test for filling in the application of Karnataka announced by the university, and many are no candidates have applied this test KCET 2015.

On 01st May 2015, and the 02nd of May 2015 for KCET, so the candidate before the last date of the examination are requested to download their admit card or hall ticket. We all know that the most important things to admit card and the name of the applicant, the applicant contain important information about the test platform. Download and test'm going to give it all to carry with them at the time of the applicant's request to admit card so you can get without the entry of any candidate in the examination hall.

Here, we test some of the key steps of the KCET 2015 candidate useful to do it.

Visit the official website: kea.kar.nic.in
Now you can link to KCET will admit card 2015
Enter the registration number and date of birth by clicking on the link.
It will download the admit card in your computer.
So just take a print out of it.
KCET 2015 Admit Card Click Here to Download

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Official website: kea.kar.nic.in

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