FCI Recruitment 2015 - Food Corporation of India 4318 vacancies Junior Engineer, Assistant Grade II & III issued. You March 17, 2015, Civil, Electrical FCI Recruitment online to apply, mechanical engineering candidates are eligible for Jen
Food Corporation of India (FCI) 4318 Junior Engineer (Civil Engineering / Electrical Engineering / Mechanical Engineering), Technical Assistant Grade-II (Hindi), typist (Hindi) and Assistant Grade III (General / Accounts / replacement notification issued / Depot ) vacancies. India Food Corporation of India is full of stocks for the construction of buildings and civil engineer is required. Recently FCI deserving candidates on the basis of a written test and skill test in the 5 zones of India issued notification for the recruitment of staff.
Control, chemical qualification, as a way to use the chosen method and other details are given below ... ..
FCI vacancy details:
Total number of posts: 4318
Name of Posts:
I. North Zone: 1702 Posts
II. South Zone: 1194 Posts
III. East Zone: 473 posts
IV. West Zone: 779 posts
V. North East Zone: 170 posts
Posted in which you can apply: -
1. JE (Civil Engineering)
2. JE (Electrical Engineering)
3. JE (Mechanical Engineering)
4. AG-II (Hindi)
5. typist (Hindi)
6. AG-III (General)
7. AG-III (Accounts)
8. AG-III (Technical)
Age limit: 01-01-2015 candidate in the category of age 27 years, 28 years for the technology, typist must be 25 years old. Age relaxation as per rules is applicable.
Qualifications: Candidates S.No-1, 2, 3, S.No-5 for the S.No-4, the main point of graduation or equivalent degree in the Department of Hindi recognized university with a degree or diploma should be able to see the notification for more information.
Selection procedure: Candidates typist and a variety of jobs in the written test / skill test will be selected based on their performance.
Application fee:
Candidates should have to pay Rs. 350 / - with the exception of bank charges.
SC / ST / PWD / exs or care provided by the staff, the girls no fee for candidates.
Payment type:
SBI net banking
By e-Challan
How to apply:
17-03-2015 to 16-02-2015 candidates eligible to apply on-line through the website www.fcijobsportal.com.
Important dates:
16-02-2015 from 10:00 hrs: Starting date for submitting online applications.
The closing date for submitting applications on-line: 17-03-2015 from 24:00 hours.
SBI Internet Banking to create the final date for payment of the application fee: 17-03-2015.
18-03-2015: E-Challan to create the final date for payment of the application fee.
The availability of the website will accept cards: Fifteen days before the test.
Official Websites: www.fciweb.org
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» FCI Assistant Recruitment 2015 Junior Engineer Vacancies
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