Roll Numbers of the candidates declared successful in Written Test held on 17-
02-2013 for the post of Assistant Recruitment
LIC HFL Assistant Written Exam Results 2013, LIC Housing Finance Assistant Results 2013, LIC Housing Finance LTD Assistant Results 2013 Roll Wise Declare
Latest updates on LIC Housing Finance Assistant Results 2013 :
Finally candidates your wait is over. today LIC Housing Finance LTD has declared Assistant Written Test Results 2013 online Roll Wise. LIC Housing Assistant Results 2013 now available online for download at their main official website like http://www.lichousing.com/. Candidates who had appeared in LIC Housing Finance Assistant recruitment written exam on 17-02-2013, they can be search their results online using by roll wise. Candidates need to visit given below mentioned link and get fast download their results online.
How can i download LIC Housing Assistant Results 2013 Roll Wise :
Just few second ago LIC housing Finance Ltd has upload Assistant Results 2013 Roll wise online.Candidates here we published successfully passed candidates roll number. So guys check your roll number in published passed candidates list.Roll Numbers of the candidates declared successful in Written Test held on 17-
02-2013 for the post of Assistant Recruitment
11910018 | 11730324 | 10110162 | 12230269 | 12140022 |
10410068 | 10210546 | 10410214 | 12330309 | 12211253 |
10910096 | 10610347 | 10910142 | 12610208 | 12320035 |
11130496 | 11110798 | 11140023 | 12710408 | 12511250 |
11310455 | 11250384 | 11310472 | 12110502 | 12620639 |
11420235 | 11340171 | 11420341 | 12141402 | 11920121 |
11520138 | 11440571 | 11520243 | 12230287 | 12140025 |
11560582 | 11531041 | 11610250 | 12330339 | 12211297 |
11910038 | 11730501 | 10110216 | 12610290 | 12320043 |
11910058 | 10310046 | 10410579 | 12710461 | 12511355 |
12130533 | 10610604 | 10910214 | 12110546 | 12620667 |
12170858 | 11110821 | 11140085 | 12150116 | 11920292 |
12250429 | 11250515 | 11320001 | 12230310 | 12140254 |
12410206 | 11340175 | 11420364 | 12330371 | 12211299 |
12620267 | 11450135 | 11520362 | 12610292 | 12320105 |
12810288 | 11531116 | 11610252 | 12710513 | 12511559 |
11910085 | 11730543 | 10110257 | 12120084 | 12620681 |
12130668 | 10310079 | 10410743 | 12150140 | 11920293 |
12210002 | 10610670 | 10910306 | 12230333 | 12140399 |
12250581 | 11110907 | 11140099 | 12340004 | 12220031 |
12410258 | 11260005 | 11320003 | 12610351 | 12320131 |
12620305 | 11340209 | 11420416 | 12710610 | 12610012 |
12810309 | 11450185 | 11520517 | 12120143 | 12620743 |
11910105 | 11531172 | 11710058 | 12150183 | 11920365 |
12130752 | 11730614 | 10110333 | 12230528 | 12140414 |
12210022 | 10310206 | 10410763 | 12340030 | 12220075 |
12250602 | 10610927 | 10910342 | 12610368 | 12320249 |
12510110 | 11110914 | 11140102 | 12710640 | 12610019 |
12620311 | 11260080 | 11320148 | 12120274 | 12620781 |
12810338 | 11340211 | 11420534 | 12150197 | 12010330 |
11910120 | 11450194 | 11520599 | 12230536 | 12140636 |
12130838 | 11531314 | 11710235 | 12340127 | 12220109 |
12210095 | 11730621 | 10110390 | 12610382 | 12320259 |
12310014 | 10310335 | 10410769 | 12710687 | 12610024 |
12510155 | 10610959 | 10910402 | 12120525 | 12620783 |
12620313 | 11110956 | 11140207 | 12150217 | 12010342 |
12810406 | 11260260 | 11320299 | 12240011 | 12140649 |
11910152 | 11340243 | 11420765 | 12340150 | 12220206 |
12130872 | 11450209 | 11520657 | 12610388 | 12320267 |
12210149 | 11531364 | 11710318 | 12710702 | 12610031 |
12310046 | 11730645 | 10120104 | 12120597 | 12710079 |
12510156 | 10310337 | 10410801 | 12150372 | 12010346 |
12620315 | 10611020 | 10910403 | 12240043 | 12140709 |
12810438 | 11120003 | 11140225 | 12340166 | 12220207 |
11910165 | 11260417 | 11320327 | 12610416 | 12320353 |
12131020 | 11340372 | 11420791 | 12710713 | 12610052 |
12210179 | 11450249 | 11520671 | 12120767 | 12710120 |
12310070 | 11531389 | 11710395 | 12150404 | 12020076 |
12510195 | 11740161 | 10120308 | 12240058 | 12140741 |
12620317 | 10310353 | 10420179 | 12340170 | 12220237 |
12810487 | 10611023 | 10910417 | 12610428 | 12320444 |
11910175 | 11120104 | 11140269 | 12720038 | 12610056 |
12131099 | 11260466 | 11320336 | 12120800 | 12710217 |
12210194 | 11340394 | 11430267 | 12150638 | 12020256 |
12310109 | 11450331 | 11520695 | 12240063 | 12140809 |
12510270 | 11531408 | 11710483 | 12340187 | 12220261 |
12620324 | 11740224 | 10120596 | 12620009 | 12320555 |
12810495 | 10310375 | 10420226 | 12720325 | 12610089 |
11910246 | 10611126 | 10910418 | 12120914 | 12710291 |
12131120 | 11120163 | 11140307 | 12160239 | 12110113 |
12210195 | 11260478 | 11320387 | 12240146 | 12140827 |
12310117 | 11340460 | 11430298 | 12340212 | 12220299 |
12510400 | 11450483 | 11520696 | 12620030 | 12320657 |
12620338 | 11531467 | 11710507 | 12810019 | 12610091 |
12820172 | 11740322 | 10130278 | 12120918 | 12710358 |
11910327 | 10310689 | 10420296 | 12160276 | 12110169 |
12131151 | 10611165 | 10910847 | 12240171 | 12140828 |
12210228 | 11120169 | 11140343 | 12350011 | 12230148 |
12310123 | 11260479 | 11330016 | 12620078 | 12330039 |
12510428 | 11410058 | 11430382 | 12810037 | 12610097 |
12620415 | 11450497 | 11530037 | 12130051 | 12710363 |
12820285 | 11531512 | 11720113 | 12160293 | 12110215 |
11910453 | 11740326 | 10140298 | 12250002 | 12140879 |
12131212 | 10310745 | 10420369 | 12350065 | 12230152 |
12210360 | 10611358 | 11010701 | 12620097 | 12330232 |
12310141 | 11120207 | 11140455 | 12810088 | 12610120 |
12510572 | 11270042 | 11330045 | 12130129 | 12710366 |
12620493 | 11410103 | 11430388 | 12160493 | 12110335 |
11910490 | 11450581 | 11530173 | 12250006 | 12140905 |
12131248 | 11531546 | 11720185 | 12350098 | 12230211 |
12210461 | 11740800 | 10140333 | 12620101 | 12330233 |
12310202 | 10310778 | 10420370 | 12810122 | 12610137 |
12510782 | 10710017 | 11110079 | 12130213 | 12710396 |
12620524 | 11120255 | 11150032 | 12170042 | 12110365 |
11910567 | 11270638 | 11330124 | 12250047 | 12140922 |
12131277 | 11410119 | 11430494 | 12350257 | 12230266 |
12210737 | 11450636 | 11530268 | 12620106 | 12330259 |
12310221 | 11540145 | 11720252 | 12810135 | 12610138 |
12510935 | 11740888 | 10140548 | 12130388 | 12710405 |
12620541 | 10310807 | 10420375 | 12170094 | 12110370 |
11910612 | 10710054 | 11110140 | 12250117 | 12141332 |
12131320 | 11120265 | 11150231 | 12350269 | 12130440 |
12210745 | 11270677 | 11330167 | 12620178 | 12170167 |
12310237 | 11410197 | 11430602 | 12810160 | 12250153 |
12510961 | 11450678 | 11530573 | 12130422 | 12410044 |
12620548 | 11540214 | 11720362 | 12170118 | 12620202 |
11910626 | 11740902 | 10140616 | 12250145 | 12810207 |
12131364 | 10310856 | 10420388 | 12350270 | 12130500 |
12211169 | 10710236 | 11110222 | 12620190 | 12170230 |
12320012 | 11120283 | 11150237 | 12810164 | 12250300 |
12511106 | 12131605 | 12511111 | 12620562 | 12211221 |
11910741 | 12320025 | 11340135 | 11440028 | 11440258 |
11430734 | 12250414 | 11440424 | 11530727 | 11530864 |
11530618 | 12410075 | 11531004 | 11720438 | 11720588 |
11720410 | 12620236 | 11730158 | 10150067 | 10150304 |
10140854 | 12810236 | 10210166 | 10510198 | 10510417 |
10420608 | 12410070 | 10610327 | 11110404 | 11110454 |
11110302 | 11280023 | 11110761 | 11220050 | 11220314 |
11210411 | 11410289 | 11250105 | 11330407 | 11330573 |
11330348 | 11450821 | 11340170 | 11440225 | 11440300 |
11440013 | 11540260 | 11440484 | 11530807 | 11530880 |
11530640 | 11740913 | 11531039 | 11720461 | 11720781 |
11720412 | 10311041 | 12620205 | 10150158 | 10150399 |
10140909 | 10710622 | 12810235 | 10510326 | 10510551 |
10510095 | 11120422 | 12130520 | 11110446 | 11110513 |
11110327 | 11280201 | 12170528 | 11220149 | 11230015 |
11220024 | 11920021 | 11330355 | 11330409 | 11330583 |
11440406 | 11730098 | 10610236 | 11240057 | 11110713 |
11530983 | 11410345 | 11310379 | 10140641 | 11130425 |
11410558 | 11510005 | 11410678 | 10420470 | 11310448 |
11510420 | 11540405 | 11510789 | 11110289 | 11420204 |
11550420 | 11741001 | 11560074 | 11150240 | 11520050 |
11750264 | 10311268 | 11760550 | 11330332 | 11560365 |
10311572 | 10711051 | 10311777 | 12620634 | 11330311 |
10810060 | 11120455 | 10810541 | 11440384 | 11430687 |
11120782 | 11280236 | 11130286 | 11530894 | 11530579 |
11310278 | 11410374 | 11310432 | 11730011 | 11720402 |
11410587 | 11510106 | 11420035 | 10150425 | 11280623 |
11510494 | 11540438 | 11510987 | 10610075 | 11410538 |
11550595 | 11750169 | 11560089 | 11110542 | 11510393 |
11750500 | 10311458 | 11810045 | 11230094 | 11550243 |
10311607 | 10711106 | 10312037 | 11330593 | 11750205 |
10810118 | 11120536 | 10810546 | 11440387 | 10311542 |
11130088 | 11280276 | 11130408 | 11530933 | 10810048 |
11310314 | 11410495 | 11310437 | 11730078 | 11120735 |
11410594 | 11510372 | 11420117 | 10150434 | 11310182 |
11510501 | 11540695 | 11520039 | 10610176 | 11130146 |
11550602 | 11750189 | 11560107 | 11110567 | 11310326 |
11750532 | 10311491 | 11810086 | 11230420 | 11410604 |
10311669 | 10711136 | 10410034 | 11340123 | 11510571 |
10810472 | 11120583 | 10810655 | 10210021 | 11560011 |
11760351 | 10311766 | 10810530 | 11130216 |
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