CET-k 2013 Result on 27th May, 2013 which was held for those students who want to take Admission in Engineering and Medical courses runned by Government/University/Private un-aided and Private aided professional Educational Institutions in Karnataka.
Around 1.39 lakh Students have been appeared in karnataka Common Entrance Exam (K CET) 2013 for getting admission into Engineering and Medical Colleges.
Result date of CET-K 2013 Result : 27th may, 2013
Students would be able to check the CET-K Result 2013 Online on www.kea.kar.nic.in on 27th May, 2013. After declaration of Result , students would be able to get Admission in various Undergradaute programmes of Engineering and other courses.
Click Here to get CET-K 2013 Result .
Online counselling schedule, for the allotment of seats as per the scores, would be released after the declaration of results; however the document verification process will begin on June 3.
Once published, Students would also be able to check the results vis SMS, type CET (space) Registration Number and send it to 56263.
Via Email : register your Email Id on this website, we will send latest notification in your mail inbox.
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Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA ) is going to announce
Around 1.39 lakh Students have been appeared in karnataka Common Entrance Exam (K CET) 2013 for getting admission into Engineering and Medical Colleges.
Result date of CET-K 2013 Result : 27th may, 2013
Students would be able to check the CET-K Result 2013 Online on www.kea.kar.nic.in on 27th May, 2013. After declaration of Result , students would be able to get Admission in various Undergradaute programmes of Engineering and other courses.
Click Here to get CET-K 2013 Result .
Published by http://examresultstoday.com/
Online counselling schedule, for the allotment of seats as per the scores, would be released after the declaration of results; however the document verification process will begin on June 3.
Once published, Students would also be able to check the results vis SMS, type CET (space) Registration Number and send it to 56263.
Via Email : register your Email Id on this website, we will send latest notification in your mail inbox.
Via Facebook : Like our facebook fan page for getting latest updates in your facebook Timeline and share with your friends.
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